
The Compassion of Neurobiology
Jo Linden Jo Linden

The Compassion of Neurobiology

As a leader, educator, parent, partner, or anyone who interacts with other humans on a regular basis (i.e., all of us), an understanding of the ways that our nervous systems are shaped by stress, trauma, and relationships and how they directly influence our behaviors can help us shift from a stance of judgment and blame to one of compassion and curiosity. When we move from interpreting unskillful behaviors as character flaws to seeing them as symptoms of dysregulation and unmet needs, the way we interact with others (and ourselves!) can change.

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Resilience Isn’t What You Think
Jo Linden Jo Linden

Resilience Isn’t What You Think

Tenacity. Grit. Determination. Perseverance. Fortitude. Toughness. Invincibility. There is a rigidity innate to these words, a hardness that evokes images of armored soldiers and exhausted mountaineers. To me, the message of these words is: work harder, try harder, keep going, do more. There is a time and a place for these qualities, but they are different from resilience. If resilience isn’t these things, then what is it? How do we cultivate it? And how does that change our stories and expectations for ourselves and others?

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